Various atlases of the diseases of the skin by George Henry Fox with photographs by O. G. Mason

Posted by – July 23, 2011

George Henry Fox Photographic atlas of the diseases of the skin (1902)

O.G. Mason (Bellevue Hospital) – Photographic Illustrations of Skin Diseases by George Henry Fox (1889)

George Henry Fox A practical treatise on smallpox Illustrated by Colored Photographs from Life (1902)

George Henry Fox Skin diseases of children (1897)

2 Comments on Various atlases of the diseases of the skin by George Henry Fox with photographs by O. G. Mason

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’d like to know what these skin conditions are.

  2. Any who says:

    Displayed above is a variety of afflictions unnecessarily skin related . Most of them are identified in medical treties, except for one that I have been unable to for a decade now.

    Am referring to the scarring on the person of color. It isnt a scar, it keeps growing and bleeding, it’s contagious , it invades where the skin was damaged, I have only met this in West Africa. Beware, it is contagious and unpredictable so far!

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