Atlas of legal medicine (1898) by Dr. Eduard Ritter von Hofmann with illustrations by A. Schmitson

Posted by – November 1, 2011

Suicide by a Shot with a Hunting-rifle and “Spreading Cartridge” (Stauchpatrone)

Suicide by Hanging; Suspension of the Body for Several Days; Peculiar Distrubution of the Hypostases

Murder Produced with a Fascine-knife

Newly Born Child Killed by Having Its Throat Cut and by being Strangled

Numerous Punctured Wounds of the Stomach Produced with a Conical-shaped Instrument

Fungus- (Algae-) formation on a Cadaver found in Water, two weeks

four weeks

Suffocation by a Portion of the Membranes

Burns Produced by Flames

Left Hand of a Drowned Person whose Body had Remained in Running Water for Several Weeks

Lower Extremity of a Newly Born Child which Remained Several Months in Running Water; Formation of Adipocere

Mummified Cadaver

Carbonic-oxid Poisoning (Charcoal-fumes)

Suicide through Stabbing

Suicide by Hanging with an Old Rope Wound Five Times about the Neck

Suicide by Cutting the Throat

Suicide by Hanging with a Double Rope. Asymmetric Position of the Noose

Suicide by Hanging

Murder the Result of Various Injuries Inflicted with Different Instruments

Atlas of legal medicine Online
